With our impending arrival days away, we didn't want to stray too far from home this Christmas. Luckily, some family members could come to us! We celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa Hansen, Auntie Jennifer and her boyfriend Pat. Kallum stole the show and was so excited and overwhelmed by all the gifts. With each present he would open, he would exclaim "Oh my Goodness!". Santa brought Kallum the scooter he has been asking for, so that was the big excitement. He also got Knapford Station for his train table. Lots of other gifts including the Playmobil airport, Thomas bath toys, Magna Doodle, a baby doll (to perpare for the arrival of baby sister) and too many other things to count! We had a pretty relaxing day, eating and visiting. Mommy was busy trying not to go into labour! We actually got a little snow here, which is a big deal in Vancouver. It was pretty wet and didn't stick around long, but really helped to create that Christmas mood! Below are some pictures of our day. Wishing everyone a happy holiday season, Steve, Kerri and Kallum (and still no baby!)